Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Pre-departure arrangements are getting feverish. As I chip away at my professional and personal obligations, I am struck by the kindnesses of friends, families, and even (recent) strangers. Dear friends Bill and Chris have just presented me with $50 to put toward my expenses, as has like-a-sister Ann. Real sister Julie sends me a never-needs-batteries flashlight and asks if I'll be riding a donkey to get to where I'm going. Chrissy is a constant source of encouragement. My folks give me money for Christmas because they knew I'd need extra funds for my trip. Pat, my favorite quilt-store buddy, presents me with a baby quilt her mother made for me to take to the babies of Peru! A kind person named Lori responds to my first post with encouragement and caring. Elissa's support is unspoken. Emily understands that this journey is necessary as part of my figuring out who I am. Ms. T just keeps giving and giving--a new iPod just the most recent and tangible evidence--even though my leaving for so long is almost unfathomable. I am profoundly grateful.

Monday, December 26, 2005


8 days and counting down

Greetings! In approximately 8 days and 45 minutes, I fly out of O'Hare International to Lima, Peru. After a day in Lima to get my Peruvian bearings, I'll be taking the Cruz del Sur bus from Lima to Huancayo to begin my four months of volunteer work. So many things to do before I leave, and so many thoughts (and fears) in my head and heart. It's mostly excitement with a dash of apprehension at this point. I look forward to documenting my journey here, and look forward to receiving messages from friends and family.